lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

Hello, Dear Ones!

Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorites websites, where I learn many things I didn't know before about things related to my career and the environment. Today I'll tell you about the Yellowstone National Park website.

A few years ago, while doing a little research about what I wanted to study, I found the Yellowstone National Park website, which, by the way, was one of the first in the world. Established in 1872 as a national park, it has been a popular tourist destination for people who love nature, and the park is said to be home to the yogi bear, a caricature we enjoyed watching as children, he belongs to this park since the very beginning. Then I visit the website twice a week.

But let me tell you about his website. When you first enter, the first thing you see is a recent development that happened in the park, above that, we have three information boxes, one to plan your visit to the park, where you can see everything related where to sleep, what you can eat, etc. The next one is to learn more about the park where everything related to it is, with images and information, and the third one is called "Get Involved", where you can donate, volunteer, or ask to work with them!

I really recommend this website if you want to know more about the Yellowstone park or the environment itself. Here's the link for yall.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2020


Hi dear ones!

Throughout my life, I have had many pets, but only three of them have marked my life significantly.

The first dog I remember in my life is called Diana, she was a German shepherd. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of her, but let me tell you her story. She was in my house before I was born and when she meet me and I meet her, we fall in love instantly. We live together until I was 5, I found her dead in our house, sitting as a queen after a long long life, the most beautiful death I have ever witnessed.

Many years after came to us Teddy! He is a very grumpy dog,don't get hypnotized by his cute little face, he could bite you just because he wants to.

He arrived seven years after Diana's death, was like an angel after the pain of losing our first dog. Teddy is a Maltese and is approximately 6 years old.

Last but not least, the most beautiful of all, let me introduce you to Nina! 

She is a very special dog, when I was in my last year in school, she came to my room desoriented, I knew from the moment I saw her that she had to be with me, but I knew that she would not be wanted in my house since we already had Teddy. 

But it didn't take long for them to love her as much as I did.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2020


Hello dear ones!

A few posts ago, I commented that I was a scout and had been for a long time. Well, the photography I like has to do with my years in scout, specifically when I was 16.

A few years ago, while I was in a camp in callejones, codegua, I woke up the first morning and realized that there was fog in the place. I woke up and went to my favorite place (the one you see in the picture), and saw how beautiful it looked, I took out my phone and took it, it is my favorite to this day.

I started to show and share the picture with my friends and family, everyone loved it.

That camp was one of the best I've ever had in my life, I hope soon to be back with my scout family

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020

¿What do I wanna be?

People share their love for trees and forests on International Day ...

As a child, I grown up in a little bit complicated ambient, I was really poor and I always dream about me being a teacher or a doctor! But things doesn´t go always that good. At some point, I just wanted to be like my mother, she is so brave and smart, I knew she could handle everything that she propose to.

Europe's lost forests – study shows coverage has halved over six ...

Growing up my mind and thoughts started to change, I started to realize that I don´t like to teach and I was fascinated by nature. It was a little scary to think that what I decided would define my future, in that moment I wanna study Medicine for the money I could win, but that not me. I think that´s why I decided to study forestry. Also, being Scout help me so much to decide.

When I finished my last year at school, I was so exciting because I was accepted into the "Universidad católica de Chile", I thought it would be wondeful to study at such a pretigious University, well, I was wrong. When I started it was all good, but a couple of months later the inferno was going to start. My classmates started to bullying me for no reason, maybe I was so quiet or shy. Every day was worse, I kept putting up with everything until a couple of them, in class, cut my hair and make fun of me. 

Planted Forests

I leave that University and now i´m into the "Universidad de Chile", and thing go absolutly much better, I feel so comfortable and good, I think i fabally found my place.

How many tree species are there? More than you can shake a stick ...

I want with all my heart to have a job as a ranger or a forest firefighter, that could be the best thing I ever had.

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020


Nayareth Francisca Sepúlveda Armijo was born on march 9th, 2001, in Santiago, Chile. 

She lives with her maternal grandparents, Victor and Rebeca, her uncle Esteban, her two brothers, Jeremias and Benjamin, her mother and husband mother, Rebeca and Alejandro, and two dogs, Nina and Teddy. Giving a sum of 8 people and 2 dogs living in the same house.

She study in many school´s in her life, but the most important of them are two, the college "Luis Matte Larraín", between 2011 and 2014, and "Liceo Jose Abelardo Nuñez", between 2015 and 2018. In 2019 she went to "Universidad catolica", where she was only 1 year, since she suffered from bullying.

She is Scout for about eight years, she loves that world, the nature, the conxion she had with others, she think all of that are special. She love travel and sing.